30 Nov Somos Uno: Immigrant communities in the United States
Nov. 30, 2018 | Los Ángeles –
CF Leads, I.A.F. and BBCA organizes a simposium about migration in the city of Los Angeles
This past Thursday, members of Comunalia participated in the simposium “Somos Uno: Building Solidarity and Transnational Communities in the Americas” organized by Community Foundations Leading Change (CF Leads). The community foundations that attended the simposium were Fundación del Empresariado Sonorense, Comunidad, and Corporativa de Fundaciones.
The simposium, organized but CF Leads with the Inter-American Foundations, and Building Broader Communities in the Americas (BBCA), was about immigrant communities and the challenges they face, and how community foundations can help to ease their struggle.
The session began with keynote speaker Dr. Manuel Pastor, Sociology, American and Ethnic Studies Professor at the University of Southern California.
Dr. Pastor talked about the high number of immigrants that live in the United States, especially Los Angeles, and how one can work in those communities to help them integrate themselves.
Afterwards, attendees participated in the Table Conversations “Building Strong Transnational Communities: The Power of Immigrant Leadership, Solidarity & Giving”, “A Model of Local Partnership: The Boston Foundation, the Latino Legacy Fund and the City of Boston”, and “Community Foundation Solidarity in Times of Disaster”.
These conversations addressed the issue of immigrants and the challenges they face in the United States, and how community foundations can create bonds between immigrants and the communities that they left behind in their home countries.