06 Ago The Comunalia-IAF-Mott Alliance, one of the finalists for the international recognition P3 Impact Award
– The framework of the alliance between Comunalia, the Inter-American Foundation (IAF), and the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation (Mott) has been announced as one of the finalists for the emblematic P3 Impact Award.
Monterrey, Nuevo León. August 6, 2020. The alliance formed by Comunalia-IAF-Mott was selected as one of the five finalists for the P3 Impact Award, a prestigious recognition given to alliances that improve the world’s communities by the Office of the United States for Global Alliances, the University of Virginia Darden School of Business and the Concordia civil association.
Comunalia, the IAF and the Mott Foundation presented the proposal «Localizing Development in Mexico», a collaboration focused on strengthening and promoting the movement of Mexican community foundations, made up of 16 foundations with a presence in 15 states of Mexico; a network that involves more than 400 communities and benefits 30 thousand people through local resources, creating jobs, strengthening food security, resilience to disasters, supporting youth, women and vulnerable groups, among other causes identified by the communities over time.
In announcing the five finalists, Concordia reported that the Alliance demonstrated several positive innovations in its design, structure, and implementation, which is why they have been invited to share their learnings and experiences with the global audience that will gather at the Annual Summit of Concordia 2020 from September 21 to 25, in a virtual meeting where the winner will be announced.
The P3 Impact Award is an award that recognizes the main public-private partnerships (P3), and in its seventh edition highlights the leadership in the practices and knowledge obtained through intersectoral collaborations between public, private and non-profits organizations to solve social problems. Past winners include UNICEF, Accenture, Coca-Cola, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and Hershey, among others.
“We believe that civil society organizations play an important role in international development cooperation. And thanks to this collaboration with the IAF and the Mott Foundation, Comunalia has contributed to the effectiveness of all of our interventions, especially with regard to providing a voice to communities.
This collaboration has taught us that if we give each actor a voice and a role at the international, national and local levels, we can build a new governance and have interventions with greater impact. We are sure that we will continue to innovate citizen power and strengthen the movement of community foundations in Mexico”, said Agustín Landa, Chair of the Board of Comunalia.
Since its creation in August 2011, Comunalia has been aligned with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 17, under the principle that a successful sustainable development initiative requires alliances between different levels of government, the private sector and civil society organizations.
In this way, Comunalia, through its alliance with the IAF and the Mott Foundation, has strengthened the institutional development of its partner foundations, trained members in leadership, promoted donation funds to support grassroots organizations, promoted research and generation of knowledge on the movement of community foundations in Mexico, and its promotion in national and international forums.
Comunalia’s members include Amigos de San Cristóbal, in Chiapas; Fundación Comunidad, in Morelos; Fundación Comunitaria de la Frontera Norte, in Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua; Fundación del Empresariado Yucateco (FEYAC), in Yucatán; Fundación Merced Coahuila, in Coahuila; Corporativa de Fundaciones, in Jalisco; Fundación Cozumel, in Quintana Roo; Fundación Merced Querétaro, in Querétaro; Fundación del Empresariado Chihuahuense (FECHAC), in Chihuahua; Fundación Comunitaria Malinalco, in Estado de México; Fundación Punta de Mita, in Bahía de Bandera, Nayarit; Fundación Comunitaria Oaxaca, in Oaxaca; Fundación Comunitaria Puebla, in Puebla; Fundación Comunidar, in Nuevo León; Fundación del Empresariado Sonorense (FESAC), in Sonora; y Fundación Internacional de la Comunidad, in Baja California.
The Inter-American Foundation, an autonomous body of the United States government, was created by Congress in 1969 to channel direct development assistance to organized disadvantaged sectors of Latin America and the Caribbean. The IAF is fulfilling its mandate by responding with donations to the most creative self-help ideas received from grassroots groups and non-governmental organizations in response to its annual call for projects. It also favors the formation of alliances between community organizations, companies and local governments aimed at improving the quality of life of people and strengthening democratic practices. For more information visit: https://www.iaf.gov/es/
Photo credit: Fundación Comunitaria Oaxaca.