21 Jul #YoDonoPorqueMx offers a new strategy to make visible and inspire support for non profit organizations
By Anita Gallagher, ambassador of # UnDiaParaDarMéxico
Monterrey, Nuevo León. July 21st, 2020.- In recent years, the conversations I have had with leaders in the social sector often converge on an important question: How do I inspire greater confidence in the work of non profit organizations?
In general, the answers lie in finding solutions based on accountability and institutional strengthening and although I am a firm believer in transparency and good practices, I believe that we are losing sight of one of the great lessons of communication in the century 21: social influence.
Nowadays, what inspires the most confidence, beyond an advertisement, are the messages of our peers, the people around us or with whom we identify. This is demonstrated by our personal social networks, also by Amazon reviews, Airbnb’s business model and even studies on the decision to donate.
For this reason, #YoDonoPorqueMx is a campaign that enhances the voices of people who contribute to social causes, whether they are donors or volunteers, and disseminates them on social networks, causing us to identify with their actions.
When we give people the opportunity to put in their own words what inspires them to donate, the results are amazing. In addition, there are direct benefits:
- Your donors and volunteers feel recognized.
- You create valuable content that can inspire more people to donate.
- You learn more about what really motivates people, which will help you improve your communication strategy.
How do you join #YoDonoPorqueMx?
During September 2020, through your community foundation or social initiative, invite your donors and volunteers to share their donation story on their social media.
From our experience in # UnDíaParaDarMx and #YoDonoPorqueMx we recommend the following steps to implement our communication and social influence plan:
- Identify the most suitable people and explain the benefit of them sharing their story.
- Use questions to guide the narrative. Invite the person to think about their last donation and ask: What inspired you to make that donation? Why did you choose that project? How did you feel after you donated?
- Share the story on social networks as a short video of 1-2 minutes or in a text accompanied by an image. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #YoDonoPorqueMx!
If you are interested in participating actively in the initiative #YoDonoPorqueMx, which will take place from September 1 to 30, 2020, download the Guide for Organizations or if you have any questions write to info@undiaparadar.mx. Also follow us on @undiaparadarmx from Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Photo Credit: freepik.es